Uniqlo Wherever

Fast Retailing Southeast Asia
Research, Strategy, Creative Direction
Southeast Asia, Japan
Anonymous was responsible for the entire marketing strategy and creative direction for UNIQLO Southeast Asia’s first regional campaign. We led a field study that dove into the travel habits of Southeast Asians and how they felt clothes affected their travels. Hundreds of customers and key opinion leaders were interviewed in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. The lab translated the research findings into a campaign that consisted of films, a microsite, social media content and in-store assets.

> Field Notes


The cast was formed by 5 everyday travellers from all over Southeast Asia. The campaign films were shot

in different locations in Japan and subsequently broadcasted on the campaign microsite, social media accounts, cinemas and across 200 stores in Southeast Asia.

Making of Film

To build anticipation for the campaign, we produced a Making Of film that brought customers behind the scenes. The film featured interviews with the director, photographer and producer.